Marketing affiliate program


Last updated: 8.07.2024

  1. Introduction

This Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement (the “Agreement”) is formed between you (the “Affiliate”) and us (“Company”). This contract describes the rights and obligations of our business relationship. 

This Agreement applies to your participation in our Affiliate Program. These terms and conditions are important, and you may not participate if you do not agree or do not fully understand these terms and conditions. 

We may update and/or modify these terms and conditions at any time, with prior notice to you. Your continuous use of the Affiliate Program and unless you notify us in writing, the updated and/or modified terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed accepted and shall apply to our business relationship. 

We may terminate the Affiliate Program at any time, and we shall notify you of this in writing to the contact details you provide. 

  1. Definitions

    1. Company” (“we” or “us”) means Lancelot Development Ltd., a company incorporated in St. Vincent and Grenadines, Reg. number 26838 BC 2022, registered office at Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

    2. Marketing Affiliate Program” (“Program”) means our marketing affiliate program as described in this Agreement. 

    3. Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement” (“Agreement”) means this Agreement. 

    4. Platform” means the website, Skill Network Ai Partner Telegram Bot and/or Skill Network Ai Telegram Bot

    5. Active Affiliate Lead”, “Active Affiliate”, “Active Affiliate PLUS” means an Affiliate Lead, Affiliate,  AffiliatePLUS with the Status of a Affiliate or AffiliatePLUS who:

(a) for the Partner: made a Purchase for 90 Points during the Period. The Affiliate Lead is considered the Active Affiliate Lead during the Period when he/she/they made a Purchase;

(b) for Partner Plus: made a purchase for 240 Points during the Period. The Affiliate Lead is considered the Active Affiliate Lead during the Period when he/she/they made a Purchase and two subsequent Periods.

  1. Affiliate Branch” (“Branch”) means the Affiliate Structure of the Affiliate Lead of the User.

  2. Affiliate Code” means the unique tracking Code Affiliate or Affiliate Lead, as the case may be placed on his/her/their site or promoted through his/her/their own channels to generate Affiliate Leads.

  3. Affiliate Generation” (“Generation”) means all Affiliate Leads of the User excluding Affiliate Leads of lower tier.

  4. Affiliate Lead” means a prospective buyer of the Products that reaches us via your Affiliate Code.

  5. Affiliate Lead of lower tier” means a prospective buyer of the Product that reaches us via Affiliate Code of the Affiliate Lead.

  6. Affiliate Status” (“Status”) means special indicator of Affiliate`s activity in this Program, depending on the size of the Purchase, the amount of User Points as specified in section 6.1.

  7. Affiliate Structure” (“Structure”) means all Affiliate Leads of lower tiers attracted by one Affiliate Lead.

  8. Agreement” means this Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement and all materials referred or coded to in here. 

  9. Bonus” means the User's remuneration for participation in this Program, which is accrued and paid to the User in accordance with this Agreement.

  10. Bonus Account” means an electronic data register maintained by the Company, containing information about the User's Points accrued as part of participation in the Program. The account is used to pay for Opportunities (as this term is defined in the Terms of Use), transfer Points to other Users, and withdraw funds. The account is by no means and cannot be any form of a bank savings account or other financial account.

  11. MDAO” means a virtual token used within the framework of this Program for accrual and payment of certain Bonuses. The Company is entitled to change this additional token bonus any time, provided that accrued reward in MDAO shall be paid upon such changes.

  12. Period” means the billing period used to determine the number of Purchases, the amount of Bonuses, contests, promotions, etc. The Period is equal to a calendar month.

  13. Personal Account” means an independent technical part of the Platform, a set of secure Platform pages created as a result of User registration on the Platform, using which the User can track their activities on the Platform, including managing a Bonus Account.

  14. Bonus Point”, “Point” means conventional unit used within the framework of the Program, which the User receives as a result of making purchases and accruing Bonuses (1 Point = 1 US dollar).

  15. Products” means any of the goods and services we offer through our Platform.

  16. Purchase” means the amount of any of the Products purchased by the User. 

  17. User Data” means all the information the User submits to us for the purpose of KYC and AML due diligence. 

  18. You” and “User” means the party, other than the Company, entering into this Agreement and participating in the Affiliate Program.

  1. Non-Exclusivity

  1. This Agreement does not create an exclusive agreement between you and us. Both parties have the right to engage in similar business relationships with third parties and to work with other parties in connection with referrals and affiliate programs. 

  1. Affiliate Acceptance

  1. Each User is assigned a personalized Affiliate Code when registering on the Platform. At the same time, Users with the Client, Affiliate and AffiliatesPLUS statuses can be full-fledged participants of the Program. There may be restrictions within the Program depending on the User's Status and other conditions. You acknowledge and agree that You read this Agreement and agree to be bound by all of its provisions at any time during your participation in the Affiliate Program by submitting an application to participate in the Affiliate Program.

  2. You shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement at all times and shall uphold Company’s reputation and high standards at all times. 

  1. User and Users’ Purchases

  1. Depending on their Status, number of Affiliate Leads in the Generation and Structure, other requirements Users are entitled to:

(a) Bonus accrual and payment in accordance with the terms of Bonus accrual and payment and this Agreement;

(b) participation in promotions and drawings;

(c) receipt of gifts.

The procedure for Bonus accrual, draws, promotions, etc. may be set out by us in separate documents.

  1. Certain Bonuses may be awarded for Purchases made by your Affiliate Leads, unless otherwise specified in each Bonus accrual terms (“Bonus Accrual Terms”). We reserve the right to admit or reject Affiliate Leads with or without notice to you. You will be compensated only from the Affiliate Leads in the Structure we accept and that have successfully made a Purchase. 

  2. To be eligible for certain Bonus accrual and payment, the Affiliate Lead must be accepted and valid in accordance with the “Acceptance and Validity” section below, and the Purchase must have occurred. 

  3. Acceptance and Validity. You will only be eligible for a Bonus accrual and payment for any Purchase derived from Affiliate Leads attracted by the Affiliate Code that we have generated for you. An Affiliate Lead will be considered valid and accepted if, in our reasonable determination: passes the AML and KYC due diligence checks we have in place, provides all the necessary requested information, is not resident or citizen of any of the restricted jurisdictions, has legal capacity to enter into applicable agreement related to Purchase, and is not breaching any law of regulation applicable to it by reason of residency, citizenship, or other. An Affiliate Lead is not considered valid if its first click on the Affiliate Code is after this Agreement has expired or terminated. 

  4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may choose not to accept an Affiliate Lead in our reasonable discretion. 

  5. We may elect to engage with the User directly, regardless of whether or not the Affiliate Lead is valid. If an Affiliate Lead is not valid, we may choose to maintain it in our database and we may choose to engage with such Affiliate Lead. Any engagement between us and an Affiliate Lead will be at our own discretion. 

  6. We are entitled, but have no obligation to, conduct additional promotional events to motivate our Affiliates.

  1. Users’ Statuses

  1. The following Status are applicable in this Marketing Affiliate Program:


  • A User registered on the Platform who has his/her/their Affiliate Code;

  • The User has made a one-time Purchase for less than 90 points during the Period.


  • A User registered on the Platform who has his/her/their Affiliate Code;

  • The User has made a one-time Purchase for 90 points during the Period.


  • A User registered on the Platform who has his/her/their Affiliate Code;

  • The User has made a one-time Purchase for 240 and more points during the Period.

  1. Your Status is increased no later than the next working day after the conditions for obtaining Status are fulfilled.

  2. Users have the right to increase the Status from Client to Affiliate, from Affiliate to AffiliatePLUS. At the same time the Status cannot be lowered.

  3. Only Active Affiliates and Active AffiliatesPLUS are eligible to receive all types of rewards, Bonuses.

  1. Bonus Accrual and Payment

  1. As a general rule, we will accrual the Bonus Points amount within 1 (one) calendar days after fulfillment of the Bonus accrual conditions. However, the final Bonus Points amount may be determined at the end of the Period. As a general rule, unless otherwise specified, we will pay the Bonus amount within three (3) business days of the date you send your request for payment. 

  2. The amount of User Points as a result of the accrual of Bonus Points is reflected in the Bonus Account.

  3. All Bonuses are paid in USDT to the cryptocurrency wallet specified by the User. The Bonus Accrual Terms may provide for the accrual and payment of bonuses in MDAO.

  4. All amounts payable by us to you are subject to offset by us against any amounts owed by you to us. 

  5. We have the right to suspend the Bonus accrual procedure if your actions show signs of unfairness and/or violation of the Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement. We will inform you of the suspension of the Bonus accrual procedure by sending a notice on the Platform or to your e-mail address, if you have specified it. You undertake to provide us with documents confirming your compliance with the Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement.

If you fail to provide us with the necessary supporting documents within two (2) weeks of our notice of suspension of Bonus accrual, we will be entitled to cancel Bonuses accrued on an unconfirmed basis.

  1. We may adjust the amount of erroneously accrued bonuses if such Bonuses have been accrued:

(a) due to a software failure;

(b) due to a technical error;

(c) in connection with any other Bonus accrual that does not comply with the Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement.

  1. The retention period for Bonus Points accrued but not paid out is twelve (12) months. We reserve the right to cancel the Bonuses previously accrued to the User due to expiration of the Bonus retention period, violation by the User of the law, this Program and/or the rights and interests of third parties.

  2. We reserve the right to alter or change the procedure of Bonus accrual and payment at any time. 

  1. Training and Support

  1. We may make available to you various webinars and other resources made available as part of our Affiliate Program. If we make such resources available to you, you shall participate in and, if applicable, will encourage your sales representatives and/or other relevant personnel to participate in training and/or other certifications as we recommend and may make available to you from time-to-time. We may change or discontinue any or all parts of the Affiliate Program trainings or resources at any time without notice.  

  1. Trademarks

  1. You grant to us a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free right to use and display your trademarks, service marks and logos (“Affiliate Marks”) in connection with the Affiliate Program. 

  2. During the term of this Agreement, in the event that we make our trademark available to you, you may use our trademark as long as you follow the usage requirements in this section. You must only use the images of our trademark that we make available to you, without altering then in any way; only use our trademarks in connection with the Affiliate Program and this Agreement; and immediately comply if we request that you discontinue its use. You must not use our trademark in a misleading or disparaging way; use our trademark in a way that implies we endorse, sponsor or approve of your services or products; or use our trademark in violation of applicable law or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material. 

  1. Proprietary Rights

  1. No license to any software is granted by this Agreement. Our products are protected by intellectual property laws. Our products and services belong to and are property of us or our licensors (if any). 

  2. We retain all ownership rights in the products provided through our website. You agree not to copy, rent, lease, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on our content, trademarks, or products in whole or in part, by any means, except as expressly authorized in writing by us. 

  1.  Confidentiality

  1. As used herein, “Confidential Information” means all confidential information disclosed by a party (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential, and User and prospect information, whether or not otherwise designated as confidential. Confidential Information does not include any information that is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party or was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party. The Receiving Party shall protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party using the same degree of care that it uses with its own confidential information, but in no event less than reasonable care, not use any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party if required to do so under any federal, state, or local law, statute, rule or regulation, subpoena or legal process. 

  1.  Term and Termination

  1. This Agreement will apply for as long as you meet the eligibility requirements for the Program and/or until terminated by either party. 

  2. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause and with 3 calendar days prior notice to the other party. 

  3. If we update or replace the terms of this agreement, you may terminate this Agreement with 3 calendar days prior notice to us. 

  4. You may terminate your participation in the Program by sending us an electronic notice of termination to

  5. We may terminate this Agreement without prior notice to you upon certain circumstances: 

  • your material breach of this Agreement;

  • you become the subject of a petition of bankruptcy or any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation, or assignment for the benefit of creditors

  • you breach the other terms applicable to your relations with us, including if you default on your payment obligations to us or our affiliate, 

  • we determine that you are acting, or have acted, in a way that has or may negatively reflect on or affect us, our prospects, or our Users, including but not limited to publish any information about the Company, its services and/or the Affiliate Program that in our sole discretion have negative impact on the Company, its Services and/or Affiliate Program. 

  1. Upon termination or expiration, you will immediately discontinue all use of our trademark and references to this Affiliate Program from your website(s) and other collateral. For the avoidance of doubt, termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not cause other User’s agreements to be terminated. 

  1.  Representations and Warranties

  1. You represent and warrant that you have all sufficient rights and permissions to participate in the Affiliate Program and to provision us with Affiliate Leads for our purposes and marketing efforts, your participation in this Affiliate Program will not conflict with any of your existing agreements or arrangements. 

  2. You further represent and warrant that you will ensure that you are compliant with any trade or regulatory requirements that may apply to your participation of the Affiliate Program (for example, by clearly stating you are an our  affiliate on any website(s) you own where you make the Affiliate Code available, you will accurately provide us with information related to the use of our trademarks, you will not purchase ads that direct to your site or through an Affiliate Code that could be considered as competing with our own advertising, including, but not limited to, our branded keywords; you will not participate in cookie stuffing or pop-ups, false or misleading Codes are strictly prohibited; you will not attempt to mask the referring URL information; you will not use your own Affiliate Code to Purchase by yourself. 

  3. You further represent and warrants that you and your Affiliate Leads are not citizens or residents of Afghanistan, Algeria, Canada, China, Cayman Islands, Estonia, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, United States and dependent territories, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

  1.  Indemnification

  1. You will indemnify, defend and hold us harmless, at your expense, against any third-party claim, suit, action, or proceeding (each, an “Action”) brough against us (and our officers, directors, employees, agents, service providers, licensors, and affiliates) by a third party not affiliated with us to the extent that such action is based upon or arises out of your participation in the Affiliate Program, our use of the prospect data you provided us, your non-compliance with or breach of this Agreement, or our use of the Affiliate Marks. We will notify you in writing within 30 days of our becoming aware of any such claim; give you sole control of the defense or settlement of such a claim; and provide you (at your expense) with any and all information and assistance reasonably requested by you to handle the defense or settlement of the claim. You shall not accept any settlement that imposes an obligation on us, requires us to make an admission or imposes liability not covered by these indemnifications or places restrictions on us without our prior written consent. 

  1.  Limitations of Liability

  1. Our Products and content are available “as is” without warranty or condition of any kind. We disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind with regard to our Products and content, including implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. 

  2. To the extent permitted by law, in no event shall either party be liable for any indirect, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost profits or business opportunities. 

  3. If, notwithstanding the other terms of this Agreement, we are determined to have any liability to you or any third party, the parties agree that our aggregate liability will be limited to the total amount of One Thousand ($1,000) US dollars.

  4. We disclaim all liability with respect to the Affiliate Code, we do not promise or guarantee we will make it available to you, and we may choose to remove or suspend access at our discretion. 

  1.  Non-Solicitation

  1. You agree not to intentionally solicit for employment any of our employees or contractors or clients during the term of this Agreement and for a period of 12 months following the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 

  1.  General

  1. We may update and change any part or all of this Agreement, including by replacing it in its entirety. If we update or change this Agreement, the updated Agreement will be made available to you and we will let you know by email. The updated Agreement will become binding on the next business day after we have notified you.

  2. When we change this Agreement, the “Last Modified” date above will be updated to reflect the date of the most recent version. We encourage you to review this Agreement periodically. If you don’t agree to the update, change or replacement, you can choose to terminate as we describe above. 

  3. No delay in exercising any right or remedy or failure to object will be a waiver of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy. A waiver on one occasion will not be a waiver of any right or remedy on any future occasion.

  4. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Sent-Vincent and Grenadines, without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. In the event either of us initiates an action in connection with this Agreement or any other dispute between the parties, the exclusive venue and jurisdiction of such action shall be in the Sent-Vincent and Grenadines. 

  5. Neither party will be responsible for failure or delay of performance if caused by an act of war, hostility, or sabotage; act of God; electrical, internet, or telecommunications; or other event outside the reasonable control of the obligated party (“force majeure event”). Each party will use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect of a force majeure event.

  6. Both you and we agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and us as a result of this Agreement. 

  7. You shall comply and shall ensure that any third-party performing sales or referral activities on your behalf comply with all applicable foreign and domestic laws (including without limitation securities laws and laws applicable to sending of unsolicited email), governmental regulations, ordinances, and judicial administrative orders. You shall not engage in any deceptive, misleading, illegal or unethical marketing activities, or activities that otherwise may be detrimental to us, our Users, or to the public. You will not directly or indirectly offer Products to prohibited countries or individuals or permit use of the Products by prohibited countries or individuals.

  8. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by applicable law, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of this Agreement will continue in effect. 

  9. This Agreement is the entire agreement between us for the Affiliate Program and supersedes all other proposals and agreements, whether electronic, oral or written, between us. We object to and reject any additional or different terms proposed by you. 

  10. Parties agree that this Agreement and all related documents shall be drawn up in English. We might make versions of this Agreement available in languages other than English. If we do, the English version of this Agreement will govern our relationship and the translated version is provided for convenience only and will not be interpreted to modify the English version of this Agreement. 

  11. You will not assign or transfer this Agreement, including any assignment or transfer by reason of merger, reorganization, sale of all or substantially all of its assets, change of control or operation of law, without our prior written consent. We may assign this Agreement to any affiliate or in the event of merger, reorganization, sale of all or substantially all of our assets, change of control or operation of law. 

  12. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any person or entity (other than the parties hereto) any right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. 

  13. We grant to you only the rights and licenses expressly stated in this Agreement, and you receive no other rights or licenses with respect to us, the Products, our trademarks, or any other property or right of ours. 

  14. This Agreement shall in no way limit our right to sell the Products, directly or indirectly, to any current or prospective User. 

  15. Each party represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and that it is binding upon such party and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

  16. All annexes shall form an integral part of this Agreement.

Annex 1

MAIN Bonus Accrual Terms

  1. The MAIN Bonus accrued to the Client, Affiliate and AffiliatePLUS depending on his/her/their Qualification for creating a Structure and making Purchases within the Structure.

  2. Qualification – special indicator of User’s activity in this Marketing Affiliate Program determined by the amount of the Structure and the total amount of Points, AffiliatePLUS Status and the number of Active Affiliate Leads.

  3. The MAIN Bonus is calculated as a percentage of the number of Purchases in the Structure.

  4. The MAIN Bonus is accrued if the following requirements are fulfilled:


MAIN Bonus Points amount

Active Affiliated Leads

AffiliatePLUS Status


lvl 1

Generation 1

Client: 10%*

Affiliate: 15%

AffiliatePLUS: 25%




lvl 2

Generation 2





lvl 3

Generation 3




1 Branch

(400 Points)

lvl 4

Generation 4




2 Branches

(600 Points each)

lvl 5**

Generation 5




3 Branches

(900 Points each)

lvl 6**

Generation 6




3 Branches

(1,800 Points each)

lvl 7**

Generation 7


Generation 8




4 Branches

(5,000 Points each)

lvl 8**

Generation 9


Generation 10




5 Branches

(15,000 Points each)

lvl 9**

Generation 11


Generation 12




7 Branches

(50,000 Points each)

* - The Client will receive 10% of the number of Purchases in Generation 1 if he/she/they makes his/her/their own Purchase during the Period. There are no other conditions for the Client.

** - 50% Bonus is paid in MDAO.

Example: you are an AffiliatePLUS with a Structure depth of 5+ Generations, with total amount of Purchases by Generation: 750, 1200, 1900, 3,000 and 4,000 Points. In the Generation 1 there are 4 Active Affiliate Leads, you have 4 branches with 1,200 Points each.

Then you are have "Ivi 4" Qualification, your MAIN Bonus will be for the total amount of Purchases of the four Generations: 

750*25%+ 1.200 *10%+1:900*8%+3.000*7%=187,5+120+152+210=669,5 Points

  1. The amount of Points is accrued to the Bonus Account on the first day of the month following the Period.

Annex 2

LEVEL Bonus Accrual Terms

  1. The LEVEL bonus is accrued to the AffiliatePLUS in the Period when he/she/they reaches three different MAIN Bonus Qualifications for the first time.

  2. The LEVEL Bonus is accrued if the following requirements are fulfilled:

First Qualification achievement

LEVEL Bonus Points amount

lvl 4

100% of the MAIN Bonus value of the Period

lvl 5

75% of the MAIN Bonus value of the Period

lvl 6

50% of the MAIN Bonus value of the Period

  1. If a Partner or a Partner PLUS goes through several Qualifications at the same time, the Bonus is accrued only for the last Qualification he/she/they reached.

  2. The LEVEL Bonus is accrued once per Qualification achieved.

  3. The amount of Points is accrued to the Bonus Account within 5 (five) days of the month following the Period.

  4. 50% Bonus is paid in MDAO.

Annex 3

SPEED Bonus Accrual Terms

  1. The SPEED Bonus is accrued only to the AffiliatePLUS for personally recruiting 3 new Affiliates or AffiliatesPLUS per Period.

  2. The SPEED Bonus amount is determined depending on the Affiliate Lead Status: 

(a) Affiliate: 9 Points;

(b) AffiliatePLUS: 24 Points.

If a new AffiliatePLUS has already participated in SPEED Bonus accrual in the status of Affiliate, the Bonus for such AffiliatePLUS will be 24 Points.

  1. The SPEED Bonus is accrued only for three new Affiliates or AffiliatesPLUS. If there are more than three of them in a Period, to calculate the amount of the Bonus, the Users whose Bonus amount for attracting is higher are taken into account. 

Example: you as AffiliatePLUS has 7 Active Affiliates and Active AffiliatePLUS attracted during the Period in the following order: Affiliate, Affiliate, Affiliate, AffiliatePLUS, AffiliatePLUS, AffiliatePLUS who was previously attracted as Affiliate, Affiliate.

Then you will get SPEED Bonus: 24 + 24 + 9 = 57 Points

  1. The amount of Points is accrued to the Bonus Account within 5 (five) days of the month following the Period.

Annex 4

STAR Bonus Accrual Terms

  1. The STAR Bonus is accrued only to the AffiliatePLUS for achieving a certain MAIN Bonus Qualification.

  2. We allocate 3% of our annual profits to the STAR Bonus accrual and payment. The amount allocated by the Company is distributed among AffiliatePLUS who have reached a certain Qualification for the Main Bonus.

  3. The STAR Bonus is accrued if the following requirements are fulfilled:


Maximum number of AffiliatesPLUS allowed

STAR Bonus Points Amount

lvl 7


2% of annual profits

lvl 8


2% of annual profits

lvl 9


2% of annual profits

  1. The Company has the right to set additional requirements for STAR Bonus recipients. The requirements will be posted on the Service (as this term is defined in the Terms of Use).

  2. The amount of Points is accrued to the Bonus Account within 5 (five) days of the month following the Period.

  3. 50% Bonus is paid in MDAO.

Annex 5

Tour Seminar Prize Draw Terms

  1. To enter the Tour Seminar Prize Draw you must be an AffiliatePLUS. Only one entry per person is permitted.

  2. In entering, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you may win. The Company may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the prize draw or competition.

  3. The Company reserves the right to block or restrict access to the Prize Draw for the AffiliatePLUS in relation to place of residence or citizenship, or other reasons as indicated in the Terms of Use and Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement.

  4. The requirements  for participants, the term of the Prize Draw, the procedure for determining and announcing winners are announced by the Company on the Service for each Tour Seminar Prize Draw.

  5. The prize is a tourist training seminar with a company or with a leadership team in interesting places in Russia and the world. The prize can only be awarded once.

  6. Unless otherwise specified, the Company will not replace any part of a stated prize for an alternative prize of equal or greater value. Prizes have no fiat alternative. Unless otherwise specified, prizes cannot be transferred to a person other than a selected winner. The place, date and other conditions of the event are determined on the Service (as this term is defined in the Terms of Use).

  7. We reserve the right to declare the prize void if any of the following events occur:

(a) the winner cannot be identified within five (5) calendar days, for whatever reason;

(b) the winner has objective restrictions on receiving the prize;

(c) the winner expressly renounces the prize;

(d) the winner is involved in fraud activity.

In such cases, the prize due to such a winner will not be paid and will remain with the Company.

  1. If you enter this Prize Draw you are considered to be expressly, precisely and unequivocally informed and agree that your personal data will be held and used by the Company or its agents and suppliers to administer and run this Prize Draw, select and publicly announce the winners. If you do not consent to such use of your personal data, please do not enter the Prize Draw. The processing of personal data is carried out by us in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

  2. Everything that is not regulated by these terms is regulated in accordance with the Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement and terms and conditions of each Tour Seminar Prize Draw.